We're working to help court users have safer, better access to justice by enabling the right technology to take action. That is why our priority initiatives up until 2026 are:
What can I lodge now?
Legal Practitioners now have the ability to log in online and complete:
- a registry committal application via the Legal Practitioner Portal and
- through theQueensland Courts and Tribunals Online Services Portal to lodge applications, receive requisitions, receive filed documents and track the status through the application life cycle.
Enabling legal practitioners and/or agency staff to access online services available from Court Services Queensland.
Provide feedback via the form on new digital solutions or applications available in Queensland Courts and Tribunals.
Our digitisation program
Started in 2023
QCase for Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT)
QCase is an online portal to securely file, view, manage and respond to minor civil dispute cases. QCase is available for minor civil disputes lodged across Queensland.
DFV Live List
A secure and consistent approach to managing court lists for domestic and family violence (DFV) matters, supporting the smooth and safe running of the court. First made available in Beenleigh Magistrates Court, the DFV Live List has enabled:
Auto daily upload of matters and parties from Courts QWIC system.
Auto refresh of the DFV Live List every 60 seconds.
Improved party check-in and status update screens.
Registry Committals Online Application
The Registry Committal Online Application streamlines the application and approval process, using the Legal Practitioner Portal to enable collaboration between defence and prosecution pre-lodgement.
In 2024
QCase for Queensland Magistrates Courts
QCase is the new civil case management system for Magistrates Court. QCase is available in 80 locations across Queensland Magistrates Courts.
Video Conferencing Uplift
Improved courtroom technology with uplifted in-courtroom technology and a new video conferencing system, Webex.
Enabling a unique secure video conferencing session.
Manage VC participants in and out of the court VC session.
Queensland Courts and Tribunals Online Service
The online portal known as the Legal Practitioner Portal was renamed the Queensland Courts and Tribunals Online Services Portal.
The second application available on the Queensland Courts and Tribunals Online Service.
Upload a pre-filled form
Digital sign and seal of electronically lodged documents
Automated generation of lodgement of forms
DFV Live List
Continued roll-out to selected Magistrates Courts (including DFV Specialist Courts) across Queensland.